Business ethics
As a solid, growing company, SG Armaturen has the power and opportunity to influence far beyond our own production facilities. We want to help make the world a better place, and strive for ethical trade, fair wages and good working conditions throughout the value chain.
We act responsibly and with high ethical standards in our dealings with employees, customers, suppliers, partners, the environment and the society we are part of.

We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that they also maintain high ethical standards and operate sustainably. We are in regular contact with our suppliers and all key personnel have signed our Code of Conduct, which covers everything from the handling of raw materials to the production process and working conditions.
This is also carefully described in the annual report we submit to fulfil the requirements of the Transparency Act. Our product development team and our employees at the factory in China have a close dialogue with our subcontractors to ensure that there are no breaches of our agreements and principles relating to working conditions and human rights.
If our employees suspect that something is happening that contravenes our values or ethical guidelines, they can notify management anonymously. Reasons for whistleblowing may be internal, such as suspicion or knowledge of unlawful, unethical or indecent behaviour related to corruption, misuse of financial resources, theft, fraud or breaches of our data security procedures.
Other reasons for whistleblowing may include environmental hazards, conflicts of interest, sexual harassment or other forms of harassment. All whistleblowing is handled confidentially in a way that protects the whistleblower.